Sunday, August 12, 2012

My Night in Shining Armor

Yesterday I had a horrible morning. I woke up with a really bad pain in my left side. I did not want to get out of bed it hurt so bad. At first Greg was super nervous that my appendix had erupted. Thankfully we remembered that your appendix is on your right side, not left which was a huge relief for me. I tried to see if it would get any better, but it only got worse. At one point I fell to the floor bawling because it hurt so bad. Luckily a few minutes after that the pain started to go away. We are not really sure what was wrong. We think it might have been a kidney stone...whatever it was I am hoping that it never comes back.

Well while I was in bed and on the floor crying, poor Greg was doing everything he could to research my symptoms to see if he could figure out what was wrong. When he got home from work last night he surprised me with flowers.

I am so glad that I have someone who is willing to do anything for me and make sure I am as happy as I can be. I have the greatest husband in the world.

Race Time

So the adorable little boy, Joey, that lives above us has been eyeing Greg's remote control car for months. Every time he sees it he asks when we are going to take him with us to race it. Finally on Friday we got it out. We took Joey with us to a field by our apartment and let him help Greg drive the car. It was so fun to see Joey get more and more excited as we walked to the field. As Greg showed him how to start the car and control the speed, his smile got so big! It was a lot of fun for us to be able to watch Joey have such a great time. After we raced the car for a little while we played on the playground. We went down the slides, played in the sand, and had a lot of fun. It was a great afternoon and Greg and I cant wait to do it again. 

Greg and Joey starting the car 

Ready to go! 

Having fun on the playground 

Joey wanted to take a picture of us!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Wednesday Walk

Yesterday Greg had the day off (I love Wednesdays for that reason!!) We decided to take a walk on the Provo River trail. It was so nice to get out of our apartment and be in "nature". Well at least it feels more like nature than it does walking up and down the streets of Provo. It was so nice to just walk and talk and have some time to ourselves laughing and having fun! We stopped by the river and enjoyed watching the fish, until Greg decided to throw a rock in the water to scare them. It was fun to throw rocks, splash each other, and enjoy the world around us.

While sitting by the river we decided to start something that is a little random, but it is going to be fun. We have decided to take a picture of our feet during our adventures in the future. So here is the start of our future tradition. I hope you enjoy following all of our adventures. 

Sis. Pagel

Well the day finally came. Amanda is officially Sis. Pagel! We met up everyone and ate lunch at the Creamery together before the time came to send her off. The entire time Amanda just kept saying how ready she was to go. She gave up her cell phone without any problem :) After lunch we took pictures, sent Ben back to EFY, we headed off to the MTC. Amanda was really excited until we turned the corner into the MTC. She quickly turned her head and you could see the overwhelmed and nervous look on her face. The whole process happens very quickly. We pulled up to the curb and almost immediately some missionaries were there to grab her suitcases and lead her on her way. There was enough time for everyone to give her a quick hug and then send her on her way. Amazingly no one cried! I was impressed. We are all very excited for her and know that she is going to be a great missionary. We cant wait to hear about all of her experiences.

What a great next 18 months it is going to be for her!!

 Elders helping with her bag

 Hugging Dad

 Sibling Love!

 Nothing more special than the bond a Mother and Daughter have!

Headed off to start the next chapter in her life!